It’s Time to Get on Your C.A.S.E.

No, that doesn’t mean I’m going to pick on you. But it does mean that it’s time to remind you about something that is extremely important to your health and well being:

Call your primary care physician’s office

Ask to speak to the scheduling person

Scheduling yourself for your annual examination – and getting that

Examination done!Illness has a funny way of sneaking up on you, even when you’re feeling well and doing your best to take good care of yourself. That’s why it’s so important to have an annual examination, which can help ensure your wellness as well as to catch any health issues that may be developing at an early, treatable stage. It is easy to postpone things when you’re feeling well. But, in order to stay that way, you must get your “maintenance” work done. That means women need to have Pap smears and mammograms as recommended, and men need to be vigilant about prostate health. Other important health issues that can be addressed at your annual exam include blood pressure, cholesterol and bone health. In addition, you should discuss with your physician whether or not your stool needs to be tested for blood and talk about your medications. Even if you’re plugging along just fine, it’s important to regularly address these issues with your primary care physician. Often, hidden health issues can be present that can change the course of what may be a minor injury or illness to one of much greater magnitude. (At early stages, cancers and cardiovascular disease can be notoriously silent without symptoms. The same can be said for high blood pressure and diabetes.) So don’t be caught off guard. Get that annual examination – and give yourself the upper hand for health.

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